Denial of Service attack on IDS
This Python code demonstrates the use of machine learning to detect a potential DoS (Denial of Service) attack. The code imports the necessary libraries to perform packet sniffing, feature extraction, and classification. The One-Class Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is used to train a model on a set of legitimate traffic captured in a PCAP file.
On the image above we can see that there are use to least significant bits. The advantage is we can encode a larger message but in the same time we are raising the probability of revealing it but not about that much. The more significant bit we change, bigger influence it has on the pixel color.
After loading the training dataset, the code computes the packet rate for the loaded dataset and trains the SVM model. Then, the program starts sniffing the network traffic and captures a fixed number of packets for analysis. The captured packet rate is calculated, and the threshold for a potential DoS attack is determined based on the training dataset’s packet rate.
In summary, this code can help network administrators detect a potential DoS attack and take necessary actions to protect their network.
Code is designed for firewall NAN network but with some modification could be deployable on smart grid agents.
from scapy.all import IP, rdpcap, sniff
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM
from decimal import Decimal
import numpy as np
# Loading training dataset
valid = rdpcap('datasets/training.pcap') # packets with valid two-way traffic
# function to extract the packet rate for loaded dataset
def packet_rate(dataset):
times = [packet.time for packet in dataset]
return Decimal(len(times)) / Decimal(times[-1] - times[0])
def captured_packets(captured_set):
# Group the packets by source IP address
packets_by_srcip = {}
for packet in captured_set:
srcip = packet[IP].src
if srcip not in packets_by_srcip:
packets_by_srcip[srcip] = []
# Compute the packet rate for each group of packets
packet_rates = []
for srcip, packets in packets_by_srcip.items():
times = [packet.time for packet in packets]
packet_rates.append(Decimal(len(times)) / Decimal(times[-1] - times[0]))
# Compute the average packet rate for all groups
return np.mean(packet_rates)
# Compute the packet rate for the loaded dataset
valid_rate = packet_rate(valid)
# Train the one-class SVM model
model = OneClassSVM(kernel='rbf', nu=0.1, gamma=0.1)[[float(valid_rate)]]))
# Start monitoring
while True:
captured_traffic = sniff(count=5000) # size of traffic for analysis
# Compute the packet rate for the captured dataset
print("ANALYSIS START...")
capt_rate = captured_packets(captured_traffic)
# Determine the threshold for a DoS attack
threshold = float(valid_rate * Decimal(1.5))
# Predict whether the captured traffic is an outlier (i.e., potential DoS attack)
is_outlier = model.predict(np.array([[float(capt_rate)]]))[0] == -1
# Calculate the probability of a DoS attack based on the similarity to the training data
if capt_rate > threshold and is_outlier:
prob = min(100, ((capt_rate - valid_rate) / valid_rate) * 100)
prob = 0
print(f"Probability of DoS attack {prob:.2f}%")
print("capt rate: ", capt_rate)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Quitting the program")
except Exception: